Junior High Majorette and Flag Line Earn Awards

The Spring Hill Junior High majorette and flag line competed at the Vicki Bowden Mobbs Line Classic at Kilgore College on Saturday, October 23. They were awarded Outstanding Costume, Baton and Flag Handling Excellence, Flag Handling Excellence, 1st Place Single Flag, 1st Place Combined Performance, 3rd Place Multiple Baton, and 4th Place Dance Twirl.


“These young ladies did an outstanding job and earned numerous awards,” said Lindsay Brazell, Junior High majorette and flag sponsor.


Spring Hill alumna Eleah Hawkins choreographed the flag routines. “Mrs. Hawkins and I are so proud of these young ladies and their hard work,” said Brazell.


Spring Hill Junior High majorette and flag line members include:

Head Twirler, Emma Jacks

Head Twirler, Anna Martin

Sophie Robinett

Tanya Williams

Flag Captain, Kennedy Campbell

Lana McCrann

Kristen Wardlaw




 Junior High Majorette and Flag Line Earn Awards